主题:Growth channels of human capital: A Chinese Panel Data Study
汪勇教授本科毕业于中科大数学系,并于美国布朗大学获得经济学博士学位。现为香港城市大学经济与金融系终身制副教授。他的研究领域为经济增长与发展,宏观与公共经济学,以及经济理论。他的论文见诸于International Economic Review, Economic Journal. Journal of Economic Theory, Journal of Public Economics, Journal of Comparative Economics等国际学术期刊。
This paper studies the growth channels of human capital using the provincial level panel data in post-reform China. Specifically, it aims at distinguishing between the "factor-accumulation channel," whereby human capital augments production as an input factor, and the "productivity channel," whereby human capital affects output by raising total factor productivity. Our system GMM estimation results support the hypothesis that different types of human capital affect economic growth through different channels: Basic human capital contributes to grwoth via the "factor-accumulation channel" and advanced human capital via the "productivity channel," both individually and simultaneously.