时 间:2018年4月17日,19:00-21:00
地 点:金融学院会议室(教学楼B304)
报告人:Chew Soo Hong(周恕弘)教授
报告题目:Rice, Risk, Cooperativeness, and Gene (DRD4) x Culture Coevolution: A Gene for Prosociality
To investigate how culture induced by the irrigation-intensive rice cultivation influences people's risk-taking and cooperative behavior, we conduct a laboratory experiment with 1,104 university students recruited in Beijing using both risk tasks and behavioral games. We find that cooperativeness proxied by the level of contribution in the public goods game varies positively with the proportion of rice cultivation in subjects' birth province. This finding is mutually replicated in an independent study by Zhou (2017). It is further corroborated by examining survey data relating to cooperativeness from the 26,000 strong China Family Panel Studies. At the same time, we find a positive relation between the proportion of rice cultivation and risk taking. This latter finding renders a novel perspective to the reported East-West differentiation in risk attitude and together with the link to cooperativeness points to an underlying social efficiency orientation. We further identify a genetic basis for both cooperativeness and risk taking. The dopamine receptor D4 (DRD4) exon III coding region polymorphisms 2R genotypes are associated with increased cooperativeness as well as risk taking. Finally, we find evidence of a gene-culture coevolution across 12,000 years in favor of the 2R genotypes of DRD4 using province-level history on the introduction of rice farming.
Chew Soo Hong教授为新加坡国立大学经济系讲席教授,1981年于英属哥伦比亚大学(University of British Columbia)获得博士学位。其研究领域集中在行为经济学、实验经济学等领域,先后在Econometrica ,Review of Economic Studies ,Management Science 等国际顶尖期刊发表论文近50篇。2012年起担任计量经济学会院士。