(1) Deng. C., Zeng. X., Zhu. H. Non-zero-sum stochastic differential reinsurance and investment games with default risk. European Journal of Operational Research, 2018, 264(3), 1144-1158. SSCI/SCI. (JCR一区 ABS 4星).
(2) Deng. C. Su X, Wang .G, Peng.C. The existence of flight-to-quality under extreme conditions: Evidence from a nonlinear perspective in Chinese stocks and bonds' sectors, Economic Modelling, 2022, 113,105895. SSCI. (JCR一区)
(3) Zhu, H., Deng, C., Yue, S., Deng, Y. Optimal reinsurance and investment problem for an insurer with counterparty risk, Insurance: Mathematics and Economics,2015, 61:242-254. SCI/SSCI. (JCR二区 ABS 3星)
(4) Su,X., Peng, C., Lv, Z., Deng. C.* Do the Renminbi and Hong Kong dollar bubbles interact? International Journal of Finance and Economics, 2022, Doi.org/10.1002/ijfe.2154. SSCI. (JCR二区 ABS 3星)
(5) Deng. C, Bian, W, Wu, B., Optimal reinsurance and investment problem with default risk and bounded memory, International Journal of Control, 2020, 93(12):2982-2994. SSCI/SCI.(JCR二区 )
(6) Deng. C, Yao, H, Chen Y, Optimal investment and risk control problem with delay for an insurer in defaultable market, Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization, 2020, 16(5): 2563-2579. SSCI/SCI. (JCR 三区)
(7) Deng, C., Zhou X, Peng.C, Zhu H,. Going green: Insight from asymmetric risk spillover between investor attention and pro-environmental investment. Finance Research Letters, 2022, 47,102565. SSCI. (JCR一区)
(8) Deng. C,Liang C, Hong Y., Jang Y. CCTV News’ Asymmetric Impact on the Chinese Stock Market during COVID-19: A Combination Analysis Based on the SVAR and NARDL Models. Emerging Markets Finance and Trade. 2023, https://doi.org/10.1080/1540496X.2022.2123219 . SSCI (JCR一区)
(9) Yue, S., Ma, C., Zhao, X., Deng. C.* Pricing power exchange options with default risk, stochasticvolatility and stochastic interest rate. Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods. 2023, 52(2), 1431-1456. SSCI/SCI. (JCR四区)
(10) 邓超,吴志平,李诗雨,姚海祥. 人民币原油期货是否具有国际影响力? ———基于东南亚金融市场的实证研究,财经理论与实践, 2023,CSSCI. 接收